frequently asked questions

How would you describe the purpose of a Men’s Shed? 

Bringing older men together to stay healthier and happier for longer through making, mending and learning. 

What’s so special about Letchworth Men’s Shed? 

It’s a safe and friendly environment where men are not pressured to be active. Some members come for a coffee, a chat, and a laugh and then go home - that’s fine. Some members have to be active and that’s fine too. Activity is agreed by and tailored to the interests, needs, and abilities of members. 

We are very grateful to be supported by the Heritage Foundation and Standalone Farm with premises, and to be able to reciprocate doing maintenance jobs around the farm and through projects in the wider community.   

How many members do you have? 

- We have 38 members on our books, aged 50 – 85,or whom approx 25 are active. All are currently men, but women can apply! 

- We have 10 -15 people at our Tuesday and Friday sessions, and half a dozen members at the wood-turning sessions on Thursdays 

At any one time there will be members who are housebound (with caring responsibilities or ill health). We keep them in touch through a weekly mailing that includes called TWITS (This Week In The Shed) and through phone calls and visits. 

How do members come to the Shed? 

Women understand the idea of a Men’s Shed before men do – so we get enquiries from partners and daughters. Some agencies, such as health and social services, refer people to us. Sometimes people find us when visiting Standalone Farm. We invite prospective members to have two visits to the Shed before inviting them to apply for membership.